Wednesday 20 May 2015

Interesting Facts about Singapore River

Singapore River looks like a beautiful and clean place isn't it?? You won't believe how it look like in the past! IT IS SHOCKING!!!!

Shocking isn't it?? Can you see how dirty it was back then?? As compare to now it is really Heaven and Earth.

Do you know that who was the one credited for the transformation?? It is our "Father" Mr Lee Kuan Yew. He was the one that led us from nobody on the map to somebody. It has been 50 years since our independence but unfortunately the person that make this "little red dot" shines can't celebrate its jubilee with us. He has left us about 2 months ago. He may have left but his legacy will continue for generations. So i will like to delicate the following post to him to show one of his numerous achievement. #RIPLKY

The Singapore River was infamously known for its putrid stench of rotting rubbish, human and industrial waste. However, it came to the end in 1977 when Mr Lee called for a clean up. Mr Lee said  “It should be a way of life to keep the water clean. To keep every stream, culvert and rivulet, free from pollution." So the painstaking project began and it took 10 years and cost the government $170 million to get the river clean up. 

The clean-up involved a massive relocation of about 4,000 squatters, along with hawkers and vegetable sellers, whose daily waste flowed into the river. Public housing was found for the squatters, while street hawkers were persuaded to move to hawker centres. Foul-smelling mud also had to be dredged from the banks and the bottom of the river, and debris and other rubbish cleared.

Other than cleaning up the river, the Marina Barrage, a new addition to the Singapore River, was completed in 2008 costing over $226 million. It is a dam that is used to control flood and create the reservoir. This is a visionary idea by Mr Lee that allows Singapore to be self dependent in water resources and that will not be threaten by others on water.

Felicia Choo. (2014, July 5). Singapore Seen | 5 interesting facts about the Singapore River clean-up that you did not know. Retrieved from

Jessica Cheam. (2015, March 25). Lee Kuan Yew: The man who guided Singapore from slum to eco-city | News | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific. Retrieved from

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